5. infinitiivi <> The 5th Infinitive
If you're here to learn some useful Finnish grammar to apply to your everyday use of the Finnish language, move on. There's nothing for you here. I have never heard the 5th infinitive used in spoken Finnish.... or seen it used in written Finnish for that matter. I'm only putting it here because I don't want to leave anything out. The 5th infinitive looks like this:
Olin lähtemäisilläni ulos kun puhelin soi. ---> I was just about to go out when the phone rang.
Olin soittamaisillani sinulle kun soitit minulle. ---> I was just about to call you when you called me.
So... let's take a closer look at this:
Olin lähte-mä-isi-llä-ni
Lähte- The strong stem (vahva vartalo)
-mä- The agent participle (agenttipartisiippi). You'll learn about that later.
-isi- The conditional (Konditionaali)
-llä- The adessive (Adessiivi)
-ni- Possessive suffix (possessiivisuffiksi)
That's as clearly as anyone can explain it. You shouldn't try to use it unless your Finnish is at a very high level and you want to impress in an exam.
Olin lähtemäisilläni ulos kun puhelin soi. ---> I was just about to go out when the phone rang.
Olin soittamaisillani sinulle kun soitit minulle. ---> I was just about to call you when you called me.
So... let's take a closer look at this:
Olin lähte-mä-isi-llä-ni
Lähte- The strong stem (vahva vartalo)
-mä- The agent participle (agenttipartisiippi). You'll learn about that later.
-isi- The conditional (Konditionaali)
-llä- The adessive (Adessiivi)
-ni- Possessive suffix (possessiivisuffiksi)
That's as clearly as anyone can explain it. You shouldn't try to use it unless your Finnish is at a very high level and you want to impress in an exam.