Hyödylliset sanat <> Useful words
It happens so often when people learn a new language, that they learn some basic verbs and nouns and pronouns, but then realise that they have trouble forming the sentence that they want to say because they don't know the word for "but" or "sometimes". Small conjunctions and adverbs like these are very useful. The best way to learn them is the old-fashioned way of reading and repeating. Once you can remember what they mean, try forming a sentence or two with each one. Once you've used these words a few times you'll never forget them. I'll give you the most basic ones now:
Miksi olet aina myöhässä? ETTÄ Minä ajattelen, että Suomi on kaunis maa. HARVOIN Käyn keskustassa tosi harvoin. JA Minulla on kissa ja koira. JA SITTEN Minä syön aamupalla ja sitten menen kouluun. JOSKUS Lapset pelaavat jalkapalloa joskus viikonloppuna. KANSSA +gen. Mies kävelee koiran kanssa. KOSKA Minä en mene työhön koska olen sairas. KUN Kun kävelin kauppaan, satoi. KUIN Sinä syöt enemmän kuin sika. Sinä et ole yhä pitkä kuin minä. Olen tosi vahva kuin Hercules. MELKO Helsinki on melko iso kaupunki. MUTTA Puhun suomea mutta en puhu ruotsia. SIKSI Sataa lunta, siksi emme mene rannalle. SIKSI, ETTÄ Emme mene rannalle siksi, että sataa lunta. TOSI Turku on tosi kaunis kaupunki. USEIN Me emme käy elokuvissa usein. VAAN Minä en ole suomalainen vaan englantilainen. En käynyt kaupassa vaan kioskilla. VAIKKA Miksi tulit työhön vaikka olet sairas? VAIN Nukun vain 5 tuntia joka yö. VÄHÄN Joka aamu minä juon vähän kahvia. YLEENSÄ Lapset menevät nukkumaan yleensä kello 9. |
Why are you always late? THAT I think that Finland is a beautiful country. RARELY I go into the center very rarely. AND I have a cat and a dog. AND THEN I'll eat breakfast and then I'll go to school. SOMETIMES The children play football sometimes at the weekend. WITH The man is walking with the dog. BECAUSE I'm not going to work because I'm sick. WHEN (when it's not a question.... like the one I just used)When I walked to the shop, it rained. THAN / AS / LIKE You eat more than a pig. You're not as tall as me. I'm very strong like Hercules. QUITE Helsinki is quite a big city. BUT I speak Finnish but I don't speak Swedish. THEREFORE It's snowing, therefore we're not going to the beach. BECAUSE We're not going to the beach because it's snowing. VERY Turku is a very beautiful city. OFTEN We don't go to the movies often. BUT / RATHER I'm not Finnish but English. I didn't go to the shop but the kiosk. EVEN THOUGH Why did you come to work even though you're sick? ONLY I sleep for only 5 hours every night. A LITTLE / SOME Every morning I drink a little coffee. USUALLY The children go to bed usually at 9 o' clock. |