Komparatiivi ja Superlatiivi <> The Comparative and Superlative
If you don't know what these two words mean, allow me to explain. Let's take a simple adjective such as "big". The comparative form of this word is "bigger" and the superlative form is "biggest".
Now let's take a simple adverb such as "quickly". The comparative form of this word is "more quickly" and the superlative form is "most quickly".
Firstly we'll just concentrate on the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
To find the comparative form we simply add -mpi to the vartalo.
To find the superlative form we add -in. Sometimes however we have to remove the last letter of the vartalo first. We do this if:
Now let's take a simple adverb such as "quickly". The comparative form of this word is "more quickly" and the superlative form is "most quickly".
Firstly we'll just concentrate on the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
To find the comparative form we simply add -mpi to the vartalo.
To find the superlative form we add -in. Sometimes however we have to remove the last letter of the vartalo first. We do this if:
- the last letter is an i
- the vartalo ends with 2 vowels
- the vartalo contains 3 or more syllables and ends with a or ä
iso suuri pieni nopea hidas korkea matala |
iso- suure- piene- nopea- hitaa- korkea- matala- |
isompi suurempi pienempi nopeampi hitaampi korkeampi matalampi |
isoin suurin pienin nopein hitain korkein matalin |
We're not done here yet. It the adjective contains 2 syllables and ends with an a or ä, we replace the letter a or ä with the letter e, like so:
vanha halpa kova kuiva |
vanha- > vanhe- halva- > halve- kova- > kove- kuiva- > kuive- |
vanhempi halvempi kovempi kuivempi |
vanhin halvin kovin kuivin |
And of course there are a couple of exceptions to the rules. These 2 are the most common ones:
hyvä > parempi > paras
pitkä > pidempi > pisin
hyvä > parempi > paras
pitkä > pidempi > pisin
And now on to adverbs. Finding the comparative and superlative forms of an adverb is simple. We simply replace the -mpi or -n from the adjective comparative form with -mmin, like so:
nopeasti hitaasti iloisesti sujuvasti |
nopeammin hitaammin iloisemmin sujuvammpin |
nopeimmin hitaimmin iloisimmin sujuvimmin |
And don't forget this one:
Hyvin > paremmin > parhaiten
Just to recap, let's look at the word nopea in all of these forms.
Hyvin > paremmin > parhaiten
Just to recap, let's look at the word nopea in all of these forms.
Hannan auto on nopea.
Alfredon auto on nopeampi kuin Hannan. Mutta minun on kaikein nopein. Alex juoksee nopeasti. Mikko juoksee nopeammin kuin Alex. Mutta minä juoksen nopeimmin. |
Hanna's car is fast.
Alfredo's car is faster than Hanna's. But mine is the fastest of all. Alex runs fast / quickly. Mikko runs faster / more quickly. But I run the fastest / most quickly. |