"Joka" pronomini <> The Pronoun "Joka"
The pronoun joka is a word that allows us to turn two separate sentences into one. It means that, which, who or whom... among other things. Allow me to demonstrate. Here are 2 sentences:
Tuolla on nainen. Nainen on meidän opettaja.
We don't need to have two sentences. In English we'd say "There is the woman, who is our teacher". We can do the same thing in Finnish using the pronoun joka. To do this we replace the full stop with a comma and replace the word nainen with the word joka.
Tuolla on nainen, joka on meidän opettaja.
Now let's look at another example. Have a look at these two sentences:
Tuo poika lukee kirjaa. Tuo poika on minun veli.
We are going to shorten these into one sentence using the pronoun joka. To do so, we first need to decide what our main sentence is. By that I mean, is the point of our sentence to tell someone that the boy is reading a book or that the boy is my brother? Have a look at this:
Tuolla on nainen. Nainen on meidän opettaja.
We don't need to have two sentences. In English we'd say "There is the woman, who is our teacher". We can do the same thing in Finnish using the pronoun joka. To do this we replace the full stop with a comma and replace the word nainen with the word joka.
Tuolla on nainen, joka on meidän opettaja.
Now let's look at another example. Have a look at these two sentences:
Tuo poika lukee kirjaa. Tuo poika on minun veli.
We are going to shorten these into one sentence using the pronoun joka. To do so, we first need to decide what our main sentence is. By that I mean, is the point of our sentence to tell someone that the boy is reading a book or that the boy is my brother? Have a look at this:
Tuo poika, joka lukee kirjaa, on minun veli.
Tuo poika, joka on minun veli, lukee kirjaa. |
That boy, who is reading a book, is my brother.
That boy, who is my brother, is reading a book. |
The words that are underlined i.e. the words either side of the commas form the main sentence or päälause. The word between the commas that are not underlined are extra information. In Finnish you always have to use commas to show when you have pushed two sentences together to make one. Here are some more simple examples. The second sentence is the main sentence or päälause:
Mies juo kahvia. Mies on komea.
Mies, joka juo kahvia, on komea. Poika juoksee nopeasti. Pojalla on punainen t-paita. Pojalla, joka juoksee nopeasti, on punainen t-paita. Minä tykkään naisesta. Nainen on suomalainen. Minä tykkään naisesta. joka on suoalainen. |
The man is drinking coffee. The man is handsome.
The man, who is drinking coffee, is handsome. The boy is running fast. The boy has a red t-shirt. The boy, who is running fast, has a red t-shirt. I like a woman. The woman is Finnish. I like a woman, who is Finnish. |
Now it gets a little more complicated. The pronoun joka can be put into all the different grammatical cases just like any other pronoun, noun or adjective. Here are the most coon forms of the pronoun joka:
Nominatiivi Akkusatiivi Genetiivi Partitiivi Elatiivi Inessiivi Illatiivi Ablatiivi Adessiivi Allatiivi |
Yksikkö <> Singular
Joka Jonka Jonka Jota Josta Jossa Johon / Jonne Jolta Jolla Jolle |
Monikko <> Plural
Jotka Jotka Joiden Joita Joista Joissa Joihin / Joinne Joilta Joilla Joille |
Tuo on minun uusi autoni. Ostin sen eilen. Tuo on minun uusi autoni, jonka ostin eilen. Biljardi on hauska peli. Olen aina rakastanut biljardia. Biljardi on hauska peli, jota olen aina rakastanut. Lontoo on kaupunki. Olen kotoisin Lontoosta. Lontoo on kaupunki, josta olen kotoisin. Turku on kaupunki. Turussa asuu monta maahanmuuttajaa. Turku on kaupunki, jossa asuu monta maahanmuuttajaa. Kanada on maa. Olen aina halunnut matkustaa Kanadaan. Kanada on maa, jonne/johon olen aina halunnut matkustaa. Opettaja on ihminen. Sinä voit pyytää apua opettajalta. Opettaja on ihminen, jolta voit aina pyytää apua. Minulla on sisko. Minun siskolla on 3 lasta. Minulla on sisko, jolla on 3 lasta. |
This is my new car. I bought it yesterday. This is my new car that I bought yesterday Billiards is a fun game. I have always loved billiards. Billiards is a fun game that I have always loved. London is a city. I'm from London. London is the city that I come from. Turku is a city. Lot's of immigrants live in Turku. Turku is a city where lot's of immigrants live. Canada is a country. I've always wanted to go to Canada. Canada is a country that I have always wanted to go to. A teacher is a person. You can ask a teacher for help. A teacher is a person whom you can always ask for help. I have a sister. My sister has 3 children. I have a sister who has 3 children. |